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Thread: Boot Failure, suspect chkdsk, no prompt no screen (10.10) novice

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2009

    Boot Failure, suspect chkdsk, no prompt no screen (10.10) novice


    Before I rebuild my system- please advise.

    I have a single boot ubuntu 10.10 system on a Dell inspiron. I am using this system to learn open source Databases and GIS. TO rebuild I loose time, not money.

    I suspect that I did an ungracefull shut down and now must do a chkdsk. However, the Ubuntu startup shows a splash screen but no login. I am not able to get to a prompt or a login screen.

    I have run diagnostics from BIOS.

    On power off I see- Ubuntu and 3 red dots.

    On power on, if I hold the power button on I do see the "disks are being checked- this will take some time press c to cancel...

    Unfortunately I have cycled power at least 10 times and still have not seen the end of the checks. The warning is only visible if I hold and do not release the power button.

    I am familiar with linux but not so much on boot problems.

    Katie U.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2011
    Ubuntu 12.04 Precise Pangolin

    Re: Boot Failure, suspect chkdsk, no prompt no screen (10.10) novice

    Been registered two years, and this is your first post.. Wow.. hehe

    To the task at hand.. LEAVE THE CHECKS!... do not power cycle while the cheks are performed.. This cheks can recover your system. But you break it further when u keep powercycleing the while the cheks are performed.


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