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Thread: EEEPC 1000 and RT2790 WLAN problems

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Question EEEPC 1000 and RT2790 WLAN problems

    Hi all

    I have a very old EEE PC 1000 and I am trying to get life out of it by installing Debian onto it. I have not tried Ubuntu yet but I'm at my wits end with this thing, and if using Ubuntu means I'll get support then I'll happily try it!

    I am a novice user though, and unsure what is wrong with the wireless card.

    Originally, when I installed Debian, I could not get the wireless device to to even turn on at all, there is an indicator light on the front of the netbook. FN+F2 to physically turn the WLAN switch on the device would only make the light turn on for a second, then immediately turn back off. 'lspci' would show no wlan related results, at all.

    'rfkill list' would show that eeepc-wlan was Soft Blocked but not Hard Blocked. 'rfkill unblock all' would do the same thing as FN+F2 - just trigger the light on for a second, then immediately shut off.

    I came across this old thread while trying to research the problem:

    which lead me to add these lines to my /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf

    blacklist rt2xxpci
    blacklist rt2800pci
    and add these lines to /etc/modules

    And now, upon reboot, I finally have the wireless light staying on! And lspci displaying the wireless card. And 'rfkill list' displays SOFT BLOCKED & HARD BLOCKED both as NO. is my dmesg output is my lspci output

    But now I am fully stuck, and unsure how to proceed.

    None of the wireless utilities I've tried show any wireless devices. 'ip link show' only displays lo and enp4s0 which is my ethernet.

    Any next steps, help, or suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

    Thanks very kindly
    Last edited by fierce; September 29th, 2021 at 07:09 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: EEEPC 1000 and RT2790 WLAN problems

    also, is there any way to tag a user to alert him to a thread? there is a particular poster I've seen on many previous helpful UbuntuForums thread named "chili555" and I feel like he's the guy to help me

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I think I'm here! Maybe?
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    Re: EEEPC 1000 and RT2790 WLAN problems

    Show us the output of terminal command
    inxi -n
    which will show us information about your network hardware and may give us more clues.

    Please use Code-Tags for terminal output as it makes that output much more easily read and understood, formatting the text as seen in terminal, not as plain text when it is copied and pasted. See my signature below for a How-to

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Re: EEEPC 1000 and RT2790 WLAN problems

    Absolutely! I had to apt-get install inxi as it did not exist on my system:

    Network:   Device-1: Ralink RT2790 Wireless 802.11n 1T/2R PCIe driver: N/A 
               Device-2: Qualcomm Atheros AR8121/AR8113/AR8114 Gigabit or Fast Ethernet driver: ATL1E 
               IF: enp4s0 state: down mac: 00:22:15:8e:a2:78 
               IF-ID-1: usb0 state: unknown speed: N/A duplex: N/A mac: 2e:ed:dd:f4:b3:10

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    Ubuntu Mate 20.04 Focal Fossa

    Re: EEEPC 1000 and RT2790 WLAN problems

    AFAIK, Debian does not include proprietary wireless firmware, almost all wireless cards need. For whatever reason, they call it "some obscure wireless cards". Pretty sure their wiki has more info.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2017
    melbourne, au
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    Re: EEEPC 1000 and RT2790 WLAN problems

    I can't really help (I hate wireless; only using it when I need to - but given I largely use desktop machines that's not common).

    I will say I used an

    asus eepc 1000HE (intel atom n270, 1gb, intel mobile 945gse integrated), wireless RT2790
    in QA-testing Lubuntu, Xubuntu & other flavors of Ubuntu up to and including into the disco or 19.04 cycle (it was i386 only; or 32-bit, so my using it ended when i386 ISOs disappeared).

    It was last used probably Aug-2020 in QA-testing 18.04.5 though I don't recall how extensively (a last RC test can be found here but you'll note it wasn't an extensive test; as prior testing would have shown issues & that test was quick before I switched to installs which are the issue close to release; there maybe others for other flavors too if you look).

    I used that device in QA-testing Debian too (non-free ISOs in most cases; some boxes I know have issues when default Debian ISOs are used, so I test some regular QA-test boxes using those official ISOs before quickly shifting to the non-free ISOs that work on all devices when testing Debian/Ubuntu). FYI: Ubuntu using free only have the same issues as Debian; the difference is non-free is default for Ubuntu; but on a different ISO for Debian.

    I didn't need to do anything on my eeepc on any release (Debian 7-11) that I recall. Mine has Debian installed on it, but I don't see release details in your question (sorry if I missed them).
    Last edited by guiverc; September 30th, 2021 at 05:05 AM. Reason: minor attempts to improve language around free/non-free

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Re: EEEPC 1000 and RT2790 WLAN problems

    You need to install the package firmware-ralink.
    Note! Its no longer Debian 8 "Jessie" or deb jessie main contrib non-free - the latest stable issue is Debian 11 "Bullseye"
    Last edited by arochester; October 5th, 2021 at 11:38 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa

    Re: EEEPC 1000 and RT2790 WLAN problems

    I would undo the changes to the blacklist and /etc/modules and reboot, then see the wireless script link in my signature and post results. The firmware is part of Ubuntu linux-firmware package


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